Stephen Colbert Criticizes Chuck Grassleys Attempts to Strong-Arm Kavanaugh Accuser

Stephen Colbert criticized Iowa senator Chuck Grassley and his attempts to strong-arm Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaughs accuser into testifying during Thursdays Late Show.

Kavanaughs confirmation has been thrown into turmoil since he was accused of sexual assault by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Colbert said. Now Dr. Fords willing to testify, but she wants an FBI investigation first, an idea that was shot down by Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and geriatric meerkat Chuck Grassley.

Instead, the committee itself has pledged to look into Fords allegations. Have you seen whos on the Senate Judiciary Committee? I wouldnt trust those geezers to investigate a restaurant menu, Colbert said.

Colbert also chastised Grassley for imposing a Friday morning deadline for Fords decision to testify on Monday. The U.S. Senate is known for two things: Moving at lightning speed, and not caring what abused women have to say about Supreme Court nominees, Colbert said.

Now heres the thing: They dont actually need to hear testimony on Monday, its a totally artificial deadline that they are setting for themselves, Colbert said.

Its like when you say to your friend, Okay, if were not married by the time were 30, well meet up and confirm an accused sexual predator to the Supreme Court.