Watch Aziz Ansari, Fallon Read Sad Dating Texts by Candlelight

Aziz Ansari and Jimmy Fallon dusted off the candles and roses with a fresh batch of unfortunately real dating texts on The Tonight ShowWednesday.

The bit originated from Ansaris book, Modern Romance, which examines dating in the digital age. The book includes a section about the best and worst ways to text a potential partner. Fallon and Ansari, obviously, focused on the latter, like one mans unflappable dedication to finding out if the woman he was texting was having a good Fourth of July.

Other exchanges included a lengthy love paean after a first date that received a flat No in response, and an unfortunate auto-correct that changed at Ansley to anally, in reference to where this person drank his or her coffee. Another found a woman dragging a guy through his awful pick-up line in which he misspelled angel as angle and did not know the difference.

Elsewhere on Tonight, Ansari talked about Donald Trumps spat with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, calling the Gold Star parents the Drake to the Republican nominees Meek Mill. The guy goes, You have a black soul, which is the coldest shit Ive ever heard. I heard that was gonna be a line in Tupacs Hit Em Up, and hes like, Nah, nah, its too mean. We cant go there.'