Watch Jimmy Kimmel Slam Congressional Trump Stooges Over Mueller Hearing

Jimmy Kimmel broke down Robert Muellers congressional testimony and unleashed some savage ire towards Trump sycophants on the Republican side of the aisle on Jimmy Kimmel Live Wednesday.

Kimmel gave a straight assessment of the hearing, acknowledging that it wasnt a bombshell TV event and those hoping for the Mueller of Dragons were probably disappointed. But he highlighted the most important moments, which were Mueller saying frankly that there is enough evidence to charge President Donald Trump with obstruction of justice after he leaves office, and that Russia clearly preferred Trump when they were meddling in the 2016 election.

Meanwhile, Kimmel noted that Republicans spent much of the hearing trying to undercut and smear Mueller as biased. [Trump] did these things, he welcomed Russian interference in our election and tried to get the people who knew about it to shut up. And our Republican representatives in Congress, they know the President of the United States tried to stop this investigation they just dont care. All they care about his how theyll be received on Fox News.

Kimmel showed clips of three particularly thirsty Republicans, including Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Devin Nunes (R-CA), quipping afterwards, Normally when people fall on their knees for Trump he pays them $130,000 afterwards in hush money.

Both Stephen Colbert and Samantha Bee similarly spent much of their Wednesday night episodes skewering the Mueller testimony.