See Patton Oswalt Deliver Stand-Up Routine of Mike Huckabees Bad Jokes

Jimmy Kimmel Live! recruited all-star comedian Patton Oswalt to try to punch up the alleged humor in Mike Huckabees groan-inducing Twitter jokes on Thursday night.

The former Arkansas governor, who often uses his Twitter account to make unfunny observations about current events, recently criticized the haters and trolls who didnt appreciate his humor.

Maybe Mike Huckabee is right. Maybe [his humor] is over our heads, Jimmy Kimmel told his audience. Maybe what Mike Huckabee needs is a stronger presentation; jokes dont always have the same punch when you read them to yourself.

With that, Kimmel brought out Oswalt to attempt to invigorate Huckabees 140-character material. However, even in the hands of one of the 50 Best Stand-Up Comics of All Time, the jokes still bombed.

Poop Dogg has nephew named Bow Wow; both bad dogs who advocate murder and sex slavery for @POTUS and First Lady. Who let the dogs out?, Oswalt said, reciting Huckabees not-so-hilarious take on the Trump/Snoop Dogg feud.

Oswalt ended his routine with a pun-filled visual joke before the curtains closed at Yuck Yuckabees.